This sharing is for informational purposes, you should definitely consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
Each treatment may offer different results and different duration of effectiveness for each person.
I wish you healthy and beautiful days...
Laser-assisted Lipolysis
If you have a double chin problem, the most effective treatment for this is laser-assisted lipolysis.
The procedure takes 45 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia.
After the procedure, a jowl corset is worn, which you should not remove for 3 days. Then you can take a shower by removing this corset. However, you should continue to wear the corset for another 3-4 weeks. This will help you heal better.
In the laser-assisted lipolysis process applied for the double jowl problem, 3 small holes of 2 mm are opened, 2 of which are under the ear and 1 in the middle of the chin.
Since these holes are not stitched after the procedure, light discharges may come from these holes for 2-3 days. In this process, you can change the gauze under the corset.
After removing the corset at 72 hours, you should apply antibiotic cream to the entrance holes twice a day for 5 days. Again, during the first 5 days, you should also use oral antibiotics and pain relievers prescribed by your doctor.
Visible results occur within 3 months, but full effectiveness is seen in 6-9 months.
Side effects seen in almost everyone due to the procedure are edema and bruising.
In addition, the most serious side effect is temporary asymmetry in mouth movements, which is observed at a rate of 10-15%. This side effect resolves spontaneously within an average of 1 month without any treatment.
There are also a few cases in the literature lasting 3-12 months.
In patients who do not want to wait for spontaneous recovery, asymmetric mouth movements can be compensated with botulinum toxin injections to the unaffected side.
Treatment results are permanent and individual differences can be observed.