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In addition, this sharing is for informational purposes, you should definitely consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
Each treatment may offer different results and different duration of effectiveness for each person.
I wish you healthy and beautiful days...
1. What is FibroCell (Autologous Fibroblast Stem Cell Therapy)?
It is an Autologous Fibroblast Cellular Therapy method obtained from the patient's own cells.
It is a method that is frequently used in aesthetic application areas, especially for tissue losses, chronic wounds, acne, scars, wrinkles that occur in accidents or birth.
2. Why FibroCell (Autologous Fibroblast Stem Cell Therapy) is preferred?
Since it is obtained from your own cells (autologous) and is not mixed with any foreign substance from the outside, the risk of allergy is minimal, and the production of fibroblast cells with FibroCell and giving them to the skin (in a completely sterile laboratory environment) reinforces the decrease in cells.
3. What are the usage areas of FibroCell (Autologous Fibroblast Stem Cell Therapy)?
• Facial rejuvenation applications that can be done with mesotherapy,
• Filling the pits (scars-scars) formed after ailments such as acne or chickenpox,
• In filling the lips,
• In the removal of wrinkles on the face,
• In the treatment of chronic wounds that do not close,
• It can be used in the treatment of scars due to burns, previous surgery or trauma.
4. What are the advantages of FibroCell (Autologous Fibroblast Stem Cell Therapy)?
Since it is completely obtained from the person himself;
• Non-toxic.
• It is permanent and long effective (2-3 years).
• It is not carcinogenic.
• It is not teratogenic (does not harm the baby).
• It is not allergic.
• There is no risk of causing animal disease.
• It is sufficiently elastic.
• It does not slide from the place where it is injected.
• It is equally effective in everyone.
• It is safe.
5. How is FibroCell (Autologous Fibroblast Stem Cell Therapy) Treatment applied?
A piece of tissue the size of a lentil grain is taken from the back of the patient's unexposed ear or from the inside of the arm, under sterile conditions and locally (locally) anesthetized. The part is sent to a fully equipped laboratory with a cold chain under very special conditions and taken into production. A blood sample is also taken from the person on the same day as the part. A piece of tissue is fed with serum obtained from the person's own blood. The cells that are produced and reproduced in the laboratory are injected with very small and thin needles into the areas of the person to be treated, 3 times in total, at intervals of 2 weeks, in some liquid.
6. How long does it take to see the first effects after FibroCell (Autologous Fibroblast Stem Cell Therapy) treatment?
Although it may vary depending on the patient, the first effects begin to be seen after the second injection, that is, within 3-4 weeks. However, visible effects may occur in some people immediately after the first injection.
Although tissue healing and regeneration times are similar in everyone, the results to be obtained may show individual differences as in all treatments.